Lesson 2, Week 7: Grandparents Model Faith In Action

Today’s Scripture Focus:  In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.. 
James 2:17 NIV

*Before you begin, ask the Holy Spirit to teach you as you read God’s Word and seek His meaning.

Faith, in this new millennium, can be exemplified when we travel by air, and assume we will arrive at our destination.  Faith, in this age of terrorism, can be exhibited as we go about our work and daily errands, believing that we will return home in the evening for dinner.  Both of these are examples of faith in action. But the question is what is that faith in?  Our government?  Our homeland security?  Ourselves or our God?  Each American would have a different answer, depending on what they believe.  But for Christians, the answer would foremost be God, then our government and homeland security.

Yesterday, our lesson focused on faith (belief) that God would answer our prayers. Today, we want to consider faith in our Triune God (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit), and what that godly faith looks like in action. 

Think On These Things

To see faith in action at it’s best, let us turn to the first book of the Old Testament.  In Genesis 6, God told Noah it was going to rain, and Noah believed Him.  Noah put his faith in action when in spite of the fact it had never rained (Genesis 2:5-6), he started building the ark as God had commanded him to do.

Later, we read how God called Abram to leave the land of Ur and set off for the unknown (Genesis 12).  God assured Abram that He would make him the leader of a great nation and bless him.  Abram believed God, and his faith became alive as he packed up and obediently left his homeland.

Again, God gave Abram a promise that he would have a son from his own body as his heir.  Genesis 15:6 says that Abram believed God, but somewhere between the promise and the fulfillment, Abram and his wife Sarai got impatient and decided that maybe, just maybe, they were to help God fulfill this promise.  Then, Hagar, Sarai’s maidservant, became involved.  Sarai gave the slave girl to Abram to sleep with, and she conceived a child for Abram and Sarai, but this was not the child the Lord had promised, and there were many consequences to their impatient action.  We, too, must be careful when God gives us a promise, and we are waiting for its fulfillment.  We must not attempt to take over and do it for God.  That is not faith in action, but us in His way.  Always when we step out of God’s will, there are consequences, and the fulfillment may even be delayed.

Read Hebrews 11 for a complete cast of characters demonstrating faith in action.  By doing so, you get a complete sense of what action powered faith looks like and what blessings can be reaped when we response with such faith.  But don’t stop there; let’s look at modern day disciples who are propelled by action faith.  Who are they and what do they do?

They are the people who power their faith with action by praying for their families, the sick, their president, their country and the world.  They are the ones who form prayer groups and cover God’s servant in prayer.  They are the doers of the Word.

People with an active faith are the parents who seek to raise their children in a godly home, and then free them to try their wings as they become young adults.  These parents are trusting God to lead the their adult children.  Faith in action (trust in God) is what enables these Christian parents to let go with peace in their hearts.

Active faith is what allows grandparents to live miles
from their children and grandchildren, believing that Jehovah-Shamah, a God who is present, will be there watching over their long distance family.

Faith in action causes us to speak positive words, not negative ones. Our speech reflects the depth of our faith.
We can say we believe God will do this and that, but until we start praising Him for what He has done, is doing, and will do, our faith lies dormant like the trees and grass in the winter.  Faith cannot grow until it is nourished with active belief, then it sprouts, bursts forth and blooms, producing fruit for the Kingdom.

Christians are constantly given opportunities to exercise their faith.  They know that God is a rewarder of faith, that faith pleases God. And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.  Hebrew 11:6 NIV

What I Have Learned

If ___________is not accompanied by _________,
it is ______________.

Noah put action with his faith when he ___________________ even though it hadn’t _______.

Abram showed faith in action when he ___________

Abram and Sarai got impatient and tried to help God fulfill his promise by _________________________.

When we try to help God out by taking matters into our own hands, there are always _____________________.

List five biblical characters from Hebrews 11 and tell how they put their faith in action:

1. _________  _______________________________
2.      ________  ________________________________
3.      ________  ________________________________
4.      ________  ________________________________
5.      ________  ________________________________

Give three examples of how modern day Christians can
demonstrate faith in action:
1. __________________________________________
2. __________________________________________
1.                              3.  __________________________________________

Without _______________it is impossible to __________ ____________.

I Will Apply What I Have Learned

STEP 1:  I will make my petitions known to God in prayer, then praise Him for His answers by statement the answer to each petition as if it has already come to be.
EXAMPLE:  (Petition) Dear Lord, Jim needs a job where he will be surrounded by other Christians, enabling his roots to grow deep in You. (Praise) Lord, I praise You for the job that You have selected for Jim.  I praise You that there are Christians there who will be a support to Jim.  I praise You for the plan that You have for Jim’s life, a plan to give him hope and a future  (Jeremiah 29:11).  In Jesus name, I thank You. Amen

STEP 2:  I will release my children and grandchildren into God’s loving care daily.  I will mentally practice placing them in God’s arms until I automatically do this in regard to every circumstance.

STEP 3:  I will activate my faith by the words I speak. I will choose to speak positive words to those I come in contact with daily. If I have developed a bad habit of negative talk, I will ask the Holy Spirit to enable me change.  I will read God’s Word daily and speak His promises aloud, increasing my faith.  I refuse to speak words of doubt and unbelief.  My words, powered by my faith, will be a witness to my children, grandchildren, and others, that I expect God to act. 

Dear Lord,
I want to thank You for Hebrews 11 and the great cast of characters you have listed there to encourage us to act with faith.  Indeed, they are wonderful examples of faith in action.  Lord, I want to be like that, for Your Word tells us that faith pleases You.  Help me this day to demonstrate faith in action to my children and grandchildren, and to others.

When I speak negative words, convict me Holy Spirit, that I may confess, repent, and change.  Fill me with the power of Your Word, that my heart and mind may be filled to the brim with Your promises, and the Words of my mouth will spillover in faith to others.  
Empower me to continually release with faith, my children and grandchildren into Your hands, knowing that I can safely trust them to Your watchcare.

Lord, enable me to have a living, active faith that gives You the glory.  In Jesus’ name, Amen


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